Print size: 11 x 17 inch poster
You will receive 5 (FIVE) or more random prints with imperfections such as "damaged edge" or "bent corner". Please see the pictures for examples of imperfections. I can't sell these normally, but maybe someone who doesn't mind small flaws will enjoy them?
The print selection is random, please take a look at my shop to see the possible prints you might get. Please do not buy if you are expecting a certain item! keep in mind this is a MYSTERY bag, and the contents are random.
If you are uncomfortable with certain types of art, please let me know (write a message in the notes text box at checkout)
Example 1: "no blood/gore"
Example 2: "no NSFW"
Packaged loosely rolled in a box. I ship packages every week.
North America: ~10 business days
International: ~15 business days